Wiki Shylmirid

Osyluth ( Bone Devil )

Large Outsider (Diable, Extraplanaire, Loyal, Mauvais)

CR  11

12 800 XP

Initiative +13 ; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Vision dans les Ténèbres ; Perception (Passive) 29

Aura de Peur (5ft, DC 19, 1d6 rds)


HP 158 (10 DV) ; Bloodied ; 79 ; Healing Surges 9 (39 hp)

AC 30 ; Touch 16 ; Flat-Footed 22 (+8 Dextérité, +13 Naturalle, -1 Taille) ; CMD 35

Fortitude +13 , Reflex +15 , Will +11 ; DR 10 / Bon ou Argent ; SR 21

Immunity Feu, Poison

Resistance Acide 10, Froid 10


Basic Melee Bite +16 (1d8+6, Reach 10ft) ou Claws +16 (1d6+6, Reach 10ft) ou Sting +17 (3d4+9, Reach 10ft, Poison) ou Vital Strike +16 (6d4+9, Reach 10ft, Poison)

Basic Full Melee Bite +16 (1d8+6, Reach 10ft) et 2 Claws +16 (1d6+6, Reach 10ft, Rend 2d6+9) et Sting +17 (3d4+9, Reach 10ft, Poison)

Basic Ranged Toucher +18

Basic Full Ranged Toucher +18/+13

Base Atk +10 ; CMB +16

Speed 40ft (8 cases) ; Vol 60ft (Good)


Incarnum (Essentia Max 11 ; Locked 4 ; Disponible 7 ; Capacity 2)

Deformation: Frele [2/2] [LOCKED] – +4 Dextérité, +4 Escape Artist, -4 Constitution

Spell Expertise: True Strike [2/2] [LOCKED] – Utilisable 3/Jour plus avec ces charges, voir magie innée

Alertness [0/2] – Gagne +1 Perception et Sense Motive / Essentia

Persuasive [0/2] – Gagne +1 Diplomacy et Intimidate / Essentia

Summon Devil [0/2] – +10% De Chance de Convocation / Essentia

Natural Armor [0/2] – +1 Natural Armor / Essentia

Eldritch Claws [0/2] – Frappe Magique et Argent ; Gagne Enhancement Bonus de +1 / Essentia

Rending Claws [0/2] – Inflige +1d6 / Essentia lorsqu'il utilise Rend

Vital Strike [0/2] – Inflige +3d4 / Essentia lorsqu'il utilise Vital Strike avec sa Queue (Sting)

Eldritch Sting [0/2] – Frappe Magique et Argent ; Gagne Enhancement Bonus de +1 / Essentia

Sting Focus [0/2] – +1 au Toucher avec sa Queue (Sting)

Magie Innée (CL 10th ; Charges 10)

Constant Fly

At WillAnimate Dead, Charm-Person, Dimensional Anchor, Doom, Greater Teleport (Self and 50 lbs), Invisibility (Self), Major Image, Wall of Ice

3/JourTrue Strike

1/JourCone of Cold


Alignment Loyal Mauvais

Languages Télépathie 100ft (Common, Infernal, Draconique, Céleste, xxx)


Str 23 ; Dex 26 ; Con 18 ; Int 16 ; Wis 14 ; Cha 18

Feats Alertness, Persuasive, Weapon Focus (Sting), Rending Claws, Vital Strike

Background Feats Deformation - Frele, Improved Summon Devil, Improved Natural Armor, Eldritch Claws, Eldritch Sting, Minor Spell Expertise (True Strike)

Skills Bluff +17, Craft (Flesh and Bones) +16, Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +20, Fly +19, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Perception +19, Profession (Torturer) +15, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +19


Summon Devils (Sp): Un Osyluth peut en une action Standard et dépensant 2 Charges, Convoquer 4d4 Lemure ou 3d4 Nupperibo ou 2d4 Spinagon ou 1d4+1 Barbazu ou 1d3 Osyluth avec 70% de chance de succèss. Ce pouvoir est équivalent à un sort niveau 6 et dure jusqu'à la fin de la rencontre avec un maximum d'une heure. Les Osyluths réalloue toujours leur essentia avant d'utiliser ce pouvoir.

Poison (Ex) Sa queue peut injecté un Poison (JdS de Vigueur. DC 19) qui chaque round inflige 1d3 Strength Damage pendant 6 rounds ou jusqu'à réussir 2 JdS consécutif. Ensuite la cible est protégée contre ce poison pour les 24 prochaines heures.


Les Osyluths n'ont aucun problème avec les combats. Ils peuvent généralment compté sur d'autres Diables pour les aider sinon ils convoque généralement des Spinagon ou Nupperibo. Contre un adversaire avec une bonne armure ou réduction des dommages il va focuser et attaquer seulement avec sa Queue (Vital Strike 2, Eldritch Sting 2, Sting Focus 2), sinon il combat normalement (Eldrtich Claws 2, Rending Claws 2) et investi le reste de ces points en Armure si nécessaire ou dans sa Queue. Hors combat il maintient son Essentia dans Alertness, Persuasive et Natural Armor pour être toujours prêt face au danger. Il utilisera sa magie lorsque nécessaire, soit un Mur pour divisé le reste du groupe et focuser sur un, soit pour pouvoir fuir. Cone of Cold sur un groupe trop nombreux puis Animate Dead pour les faires combattre contre leurs anciens alliés, Charm-Person généralement sur le Guerrier du groupe et qui sert ensuite de Garde du Corps. S'il doit attaquer, il préf;ere alors arriver de haut invisible et opter pour la stratégie de sa Queue en utilisant True strike s'il croit que cela est nécessaire, retraiter et recommencer jusqu'à les avoirs tous éliminer en n'oubliant pas le temps au poison d'agir entre les attaques.


Merging the most horrifying features of carrion-fed insect and withered cadaver, this bony devil moves in unsettling lurches.

The interrogators and inquisitors of devilkind, bone devils delight in torturing those weaker than themselves—mortals, souls, and other devils alike. Born of ancient heresies mired amid the Styx-fed swamps of Stygia, Hell's fifth layer, bone devils—also known as osyluths—enforce infernal order and the will of the archdevils. Powerful fiends favor these terrifying sadists for their unwavering devotion to Hell's laws and the commands of their masters, as osyluths eagerly report the disobedience of other devils—regardless of standing—and take to the craft of torture like morbid artists. Diabolists risk much to bargain with them, as bone devils glean many infernal secrets amid their nightmarish calcified torture hives. These devils especially delight in journeying to the mortal plane, as their cruel talents and service to evil spellcasters often mean gaining much valuable information, which they might hold in their perfect memories for centuries before reporting back to their diabolical masters.

In battle, an osyluth uses quickened invisibility after each attack to confuse foes. Many osyluths carry twisted and eerie bone weapons, but these tools are more for torture and intimidation than actual combat.

Osyluths tower over lesser devils at 9 feet tall—though their tails and fearsome but useless wings make them appear much larger—and weigh upward of 400 pounds.

Osyluths are the only baatezu to have power over baatezu of higher station. They roam the layers and observe the actions of other baatezu, ensuring that they act properly. An osyluth can send offenders into the Pit of Flame
for 101 days of torment. After the torture, the offending baatezu returns to its former position. Osyluths have this
power over any other baatezu save for pit fiends, who are above their discipline. But with this power comes danger. Any baatezu that has the opportunity to destroy an osyluth without being discovered usually does so. If caught in this act, however, the offender is instantly reduced to marked lemure status. These marked lemures never advance beyond their station and are particulary hated by all baaetzu. Because the Osyluths are charged with disciplining other baatezu, they are supposed to be absolutely loyal, never step out of line, nor do anything against the nature of baatezu. The osyluths generally obey the stricture, although several historical exceptions are known.

Osyluths spend a century as such before advancing among the baatezu. Following every Ring of Cantrum, all 1,000 osyluths advance to hamatula status. Simultaneously, 1,000 new osyluths are formed. Despite this guaranteed advancement, osyluths still have incentives to surpass even their exacting standards. An osyluth that performs with distinction becomes an amnizu rather than a hamatula. This accelerated advancement is rare, but serves the pit fiends well for it guards against complacency in the osyluth ranks.

Environment: Enfer (Tous)

Organisation: Solitaire, Pair, Inquisition (3-10)

Trésors: Standard

Repaire: ...




- Niveau Virtuel : xxx 5
